PTA Executive Committee
The Executive Board consists of elected PTA members and school representatives. Executive Board PTA members are nominated by a nominating committee, are voted into office by the General Membership, and serve a 1 year term. The Executive Board and chairpersons of the PTA Committees are expected to attend PTA Board meetings.

Learn a bit more about the people who are volunteering their time as the Meadowthorpe PTA board members. Please feel free to contact us with questions or information about the opportunities at Meadowthorpe!
2022-2023 Officers
President Tiffany Opii
Vice President Charity Foster
Treasurer Jennifer Kluemper
Secretary Paige McCurn
Teacher Representative Open

Executive Committee Roles & Responsibilities
President: Leads PTA Executive Committee and PTA Board of Directors. Oversees activities of Vice-President, Secretary & Treasurer, and provides support for their efforts. Fosters good relationship with the Principal and teachers/staff.
1st Vice President- Student Programs: Oversees academic, cultural, and social programs for students. The VP will support committee chairmen in the planning, development, and delivery of the programs. Assumes responsibility of the the President when the President is unable to perform presidential responsibilities.
2nd Vice-President- Ways & Means (Fundraising): Oversees the programs and committees that raise funds to meet the PTA budget.
3rd Vice-President- Membership: Coordinates the annual membership drive in August. Collects membership dues; processes and distributes membership cards; and maintains membership database.
4th Vice-President – Communications: Coordinates writing and compiling articles for monthly PTA newsletter production in collaboration with the MES office; coordinates updates to PTA website, maintains PTA email distribution list, sends weekly email communication, posts information on PTA Facebook page.
Treasurer: Creates annual budget with the President; Maintains the primary checking account and gaming checking account with monthly reconciliations of both; pays bills and reimbursements as described in the bylaws and the standing rules; oversees the Finance Committee and presents Finance Committee reports, as needed. Submits to annual audit and files state and federal forms relating to non-profit 503(c) status.
Secretary: Takes accurate minutes at all PTA Board and General Membership meetings; Prepares meeting packets to include agenda, previous month's minutes, Treasurer's report, and pertinent handouts.